2012年1月26日 星期四

迎接龍年的除夕夜菜單 (Chinese New Year of the Dragon - 2012)


我們特邀一對VIP夫婦到家一起歡度除夕、迎接龍年;話說這對夫妻,就像是我們家人一樣、與我們來往相當密切,也經常是我們座上賓客,先生的來頭說了嚇死您....他是UNOPOS (聯合國項目事務處 www.unops.org/textimageflash/default.asp) 的老闆 ,之前提過他經常邀請老公Jason和我在周五傍晚到UNOPOS與他們歡度「Happy Hour」; 其妻子乃是我在哥本哈根之國際婦女會的好朋友,我們兩位女士都是在國際婦女會擔任委員,因為有相同熱情及理念,經常在一起辦一些活動,所以UNOPS老闆經常稱讚我們兩位女士才是真正的外交人員...哈哈哈!

當然,無論是自家人或盛邀VIP客人一起度過, 一年一度的饗宴是必要的; 而農曆年的除夕菜單更具相當的意義、充滿驚喜,為了詳細介紹我們的台灣農曆新年習俗,我特地擬了一份『好運龍總來』的龍年菜單,總共有十道菜,每一道菜各代表著不同的新年喜慶的意義。

相對於平常宴客的上菜方式 (一道一道菜慢慢的上),今天(農曆新年除夕),我將十道佳餚全部呈現在餐桌上,這種方式,讓賓客宛如看到台灣寶島的『多采多姿』、『五彩繽紛』的生活以及象徵著台灣人民的誠懇、熱情及好客。

象徵甜甜蜜蜜、事事順利的四色拼盤可裝滿糖果、開心果、糖蓮子及瓜子喜洋洋的紅蘋果大吉大利的桔子招財進寶黃金香蕉等的水果可以擺於客廳茶几,飯廳及廚房,以讓客人、主人、小朋友隨處取得, 每個人都可以過年沾沾喜氣。


Chinese New Year''s Eve in Copenhagen

10 Courses are served)

As per Chinese/Taiwanese Traditions, the number of '10' stands for perfection, fulfillment, contentment, gratification, completion or many different suggestions of 'good'. Every course suggests a significance of gratification

(1)  三陽開泰、財源滾滾;每人三個元寶蒸餃  
An auspicious beginning of a new years è the shape of dumpling and ancient oney are most alike which brings wealth and prosperity; and everybody served with 3 means an auspicious beginning of a new years.】;

(2)   全家福迎金雞蛋;香烤全雞 = 台灣話是『全家』
Whole-Chicken and whole-family are homophones especially the hen lays a gold egg, which means health, happiness, and prosperity always go with whole family】;

(3)   扭轉乾坤;五香牛腱
{Beef and Turning are homophones, which mean to turn the table/turn the scale/ turn the tide}

(4)  諸事大吉; 蒜泥白肉
Pork/Pig and Everything are homophones, which 'Luck go with us'

(5)  金玉滿堂;什錦雜炒
Chop-Suey implies 'anything affording pleasure to the taste or mind'】;

(6) 龍年旺旺;鳳梨蝦仁炒飯
Pineapple and flourishing are homophones mean that 'economy is booming and business is flourishing】; 

(7)  好彩頭/好運氣;蘿蔔糕 / 菜頭高
Radish in Taiwanese is good luck and good start】;

(8) 年年高升、結果年年;年糕搭配紅蘋果
Chinese New Year Cake is booming after steam/bake, which stands for being promoted every year or a booming year; Apple implys 'reap' which to reap (get) the rewards of all our hard work;

(9) 年年有餘: 2條嫩豆腐蒸鮮魚
2 steam-fishes; one for dinner and another for leftover
Fish and ‘reserve' or 'surplus' are the homophone; for 'reserve' means to always keep some money in reserve, just in case; for 'surplus' is an amount of something that is more than what is needed or used or invested.】;;

(10)   <!--[endif]-->歡慶大團圓: 團圓火鍋
The Fire-Pot is in round-shape which family gather around a year reunion; and its inside contains all kinds of round meat-balls and money-shape of dumplings which stands for perfection, fulfillment, contentment, gratification and completion.

Before leaving, every guest has an orange with, which means "大吉大利" (Luck always go with you)!

大魚大肉,客人通常吃不下飽脹性的水果,不過幫助消化桔子是嘿部會拒絕的,所以,在客人離開時候,請他們各吃一個或帶走一個桔子, 告知客人其象徵的意義象徵式;人人大吉大利!這樣可以達到『賓主盡歡』效果。

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