2011年11月8日 星期二

西方人罵髒話 (four-letter words)




所以,我順道問他們,「How to say 〝偷窺狂〞and〝暴露狂〞in English?」


所以呢?我整理了幾個西洋人常用的『罵三字經』(four-letter words)用語,分享大家,希望沒有冒犯大家。

1. 『罵三字經』: four-letter words:

臺灣人所謂的〝罵「三字經」〞,在西方卻稱做 「four-letter words」。台灣三字經的由來,不需我多說,大家都明白;而西方〝four-letter word〞 -罵髒話,或字典翻譯的:〝詛咒,猥褻語〞等之緣由,乃因為與性或身體機能相關之猥褻不雅的四字母組成之單音節字(乃屬古英語字源者。(Dr. Eye: any of a group of vulgar or obscene words typically made up of four letters.)。

2. 「偷窺狂」:voyeur 或 peeping Tom

「偷窺狂」英文是voyeur或peeping Tom (*you can learn more about the origin of 'peeping Tom' from the legend of Lady Godiva at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lady_Godiva), 就是那些藉著偷窺別人沐浴更衣、 偷看領口或裙下春光等行為而得到快感的好色之徒, 雖然可怕, 但通常不會傷害人。 (Voyeurs or peeping Toms usually get sexual pleasure from behaviours such as spying on people changing or taking a bath, or looking up women's skirts or down their shirts to view the breasts(*some people call that upskirting and downblousing). They are scary but usually harmless.)

時至今日, 有了照相手機等先進科技, 偷窺狂不僅從匙孔或窗戶窺探春光, 還會在更衣室裡裝置針孔攝錄機, 甚至乘扶手電梯時佯裝使用電話, 實情正在拍你的裙下春光, 而你卻慒然不知呢! (With the help of the state-of-the-art technology such as camera phones, voyeurs or peeping Toms nowadays no longer restrict themselves peeking through windows or keyholes. They may plant hidden cameras in changing rooms. They may also pretend to be using their phones on escalators while filming your upskirt photos without your knowing it!)

3. 『暴露狂』: flasher; exhibitionist

暴露俇是flasher 或 exhibitionist, 經典造型乃全身只穿一件風雨衣 (「乾濕褸」),內裡真空,以向陌生女子裸露私處(「露械」)嚇怕對方而獲得興奮。(A typical flasher wears nothing but a trench coat and scares female strangers by exhibiting/showing his private parts, or flashing, for a thrill. e.g. The flasher came out of the bushes and flashed at me.)

4. 「變態佬」 :pervert

Pervert這個字, 基本解作「變態佬」, 也是西方女性給耍流氓或碰到性騷擾(sexual harassment)和變態行為時呼喊的字。有趣的是,我們遇事求助都會高呼犯案的動作,如「非禮呀! 」,而西人喊的是犯案者的身份,如 "Pervert!" 或 "Thief!"。

e.g. You did that on purpose. You pervert! 你是故意的, 你個變態佬!

e.g. After being felt up by a total stranger on the MTR, the woman shouted 'Pervert!' at the top of her voice. 搭地鐵被一個陌生人揩油後, 那位女士高呼:「非禮呀!」

(*留意 :這裡不是說Pervert! 與「非禮呀! 」不完全相等, 只是兩者在某些情況下的用法有點接近。兩種語言, 源於兩套迥然不同的文化, 永遠無法找到絕對對應的詞語,這正是翻譯的難度與樂趣。)

更有趣的是,一位西人告訴我,西方女性如遭非禮,一般不會高呼求助,而是大罵三字經(four-letter words), 繼而「一腳踢其重要部位/鼠蹊部」(kick him in the groin), 大快人心!

5. 「乾爹、老色迷、「金山阿伯」(Sugar Daddy)

有一種好色之徒英文叫「sugar daddy」, 就是那些大灑金錢、大送禮物以博取年輕女子歡心的「老色鬼」;相對的,那些「挖金礦」、「釣金龜婿」的年輕女子, 英文叫 「Sugar Baby」 或「Gold Digger」。

e.g. It's the dream of many starlets to get a sugar daddy with deep pockets.


6. 「釣金龜婿」的年輕女子:Sugar Baby」、 或「Gold Digger」

相對的,那些「挖金礦」、「釣金龜婿」的年輕女子, 英文叫 「Sugar Baby」 或「Gold Digger」。

